Thursday, February 22, 2007

KOOKY: The interviews

I am now a resume expert. I am also an interview expert. After looking through many resumes and participating in five interviews in the space of three days, my brain has turned to mush.

We're hiring three new people to help with the overflowing workload. I've participated in interviews before (even interviewed my own boss), but this is sticking in my brain right now and I thought I'd put it down while I still remember them.

Some things that I've learned sitting on the other side of the table that I want to share with those looking for a job:
  • Anything and everything on a resume (including history gaps) is fair game in an interview. You put it down, you should be able to explain why it's there or why it's not there. Those of you who are thinking about lying or stretching the truth, we'd actually picked through the resumes carefully and noticed inconsistencies. And asked about them.
  • If you don't understand the question, please ask to have it clarified.
  • It's actually okay sometimes to say that you don't know the answer to that question. It does pay to be honest, even though it may be a strike against you.
  • Listen carefully to the question and make certain you answer it fully, especially two-parters.
  • This is your chance to ask questions about the job/company/work environment/your boss. Because you're the one doing the asking, this actually tells a lot about you that the interview questions may have missed.
  • As someone looking for a potential candidate, I actually like specific examples as opposed to vague generalizations. Specific examples help me get a better sense of who you really are and where you're coming from. Anyone can spew out vagueness.
  • Look on the Internet for interview questions. There are a ton out there. I looked so I could generate some interview questions, I certainly am not creative enough to think of some on my own. And above all else, practice your answers.
  • For those of you looking for techie positions, you will be asked techie questions. You may even have to demonstrate your skill through written tests, scripting, verbal answers, etc. If you say you can do something, be prepared to prove it. (The Internet is also great for this type of stuff.)

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